Door handles and knobs that set a style.
This section is dedicated to the doorknobs. Why not? The creative arts exist because we believe that personalization is for everyone. We believe that the ordinary things you normally buy can and should be custom made.
Sometimes all it takes is a simple Twist in a design to create that WOW factor. Doorknobs are a nondescript, mundane kind of piece that ironically gets used a lot. They are present in almost every room in a home, they are in office spaces and public areas. They receive very little visual attention but are touched by many. Imagine the attention decorative door knobs would receive if they were custom-made to match a room’s décor or to coordinate with a particular design scheme. Image of brass doorknobs as a wedding gift or for special occasions. Original, personal and now usable, that’s what I call an art form of gifting
I have chosen the work of a variety of custom-made hardware to showcase the innovative and unique ways we create ethnic and modern home door hardware using stainless steel and brass aluminium in a contemporary, rustic, or individualized style.
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